Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tips and Hints

Well I almost COMPLETELY forgot about this blog
but here it is
I understand that the function can be manipulated depending on the input changes from the parent function.
For example: f(x)=(x^2-3)-5
The parent function would be x^2(parabola) but with a change in shifts, since the -3 were inside the () then the graph would shift 3 units to the right and since the -5 was on the outside, that meant it would go down 5 units
Trigonometry is a little harder for me since i have not really memorized the unit circle yet, i know it but it takes me a while to dig deep into my memory to find a certain angle.
But what i do remeber that helped me remeber some stuff about the quadrants.
My teacher used ALL STUDENTS TAKE CALCULUS, that means that ALL the values are positive in the 1st quadrant, only the Sin(y) are positive in the 2nd quadrant, Tan(y/x) is positive in the 3rd and Cos(x) are positive in the 4th. Thise helps me a lot cause it tells me a lot about the values.
3.Confusion in Trigonometry
A lot really confuses me in trigonometry, obviously the fact that I dont get the unit circle in my head does not really help, but im working on it.
Sometimes it confuses me when graphing the inverses of the Sin, Cos,etc.
I also get confused when graphing and the function has so many numbers in it such as,
f(x)=3sin(5x=9)-10, its really confusing when you have to do soo many transformations and shifts

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