Wednesday, November 25, 2009


My Majors
Well I really do not know exactly what I want to be but I have ideas of what I would like to be.
1. The major that I am most interested in is Business. I see myself as a business woman in my later years. I think that it is very intersting. I always see myself as an important person, the boss instead of being bossed around but that obviously means im going to start in the bottom. There are many sections in bussiness but what intrest me the most are Accounting and Finance because as its hard to believe but math is one of my favorite subjects. From what i learned from this major, it is good if you want to be an accountant or in the finance management. I would also be intrested in Management and Administration.
2 I am also interested in Engineering. Out of all the different types of engineerings there is out there, the one that catches my intrest the most is Industrial Engineering. To become an Industrial Engineer it takes to know math, science and business, which are all the subjects that are my favorite and understand the most. Engineers are to help improve industires and that is something that I am also interested in.
3. Another major im intrested in is Health. I am a CFR-II, so I am a step towards that career and I enjoy time when I am helping other as a CFR so its a sign that I will enjoy it is i choose a career in the health world. I would specifically like to work in Public Health. Health care is one of the essential things that this country lacks, and I would like to pitch in to help out.
Colleges Offering Majors.
1. There were MANY colleges that offered a major in Business, but the one that was more eye catching was Rochester Institute of Technology. This college is all the way to New York, but I would like to take that trip and leave my little box over here in California. This institute also seems like a college that would be rewarding as well.
2. COlleges like California State Polytechnic University Pomona offer a major in Industrial Engineering. To me this college seems like a nice college to go to. I would like to go there to study and get a degree in Industrial Engineering if that is the major I choose because this colllege is not so competitive as other colleges that everyone wants to go. The setting of this college also seems as a nice one.
3. Colleges like USC offer a major in public health that seems intresting to me. Out of all the schools that offer major in public health, USC is the one that caught my eye the most. This school is competitive but definetly not impossible to get into. This school is also well known and around where I live.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tips and Hints

Well I almost COMPLETELY forgot about this blog
but here it is
I understand that the function can be manipulated depending on the input changes from the parent function.
For example: f(x)=(x^2-3)-5
The parent function would be x^2(parabola) but with a change in shifts, since the -3 were inside the () then the graph would shift 3 units to the right and since the -5 was on the outside, that meant it would go down 5 units
Trigonometry is a little harder for me since i have not really memorized the unit circle yet, i know it but it takes me a while to dig deep into my memory to find a certain angle.
But what i do remeber that helped me remeber some stuff about the quadrants.
My teacher used ALL STUDENTS TAKE CALCULUS, that means that ALL the values are positive in the 1st quadrant, only the Sin(y) are positive in the 2nd quadrant, Tan(y/x) is positive in the 3rd and Cos(x) are positive in the 4th. Thise helps me a lot cause it tells me a lot about the values.
3.Confusion in Trigonometry
A lot really confuses me in trigonometry, obviously the fact that I dont get the unit circle in my head does not really help, but im working on it.
Sometimes it confuses me when graphing the inverses of the Sin, Cos,etc.
I also get confused when graphing and the function has so many numbers in it such as,
f(x)=3sin(5x=9)-10, its really confusing when you have to do soo many transformations and shifts

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Logarithms and Inverses

4 Major Concepts I understood
In class I have understood how to find the inverse of a function
I learned that the inverse have same inputs and outputs but switched
so its like the inputs of f(x) turned into the outputs of f^-1(x) the same as the outputs of f(x) turned into the input of f^-1(x) so to find out the invese we just have to change the equation so that f(x)=x and x=y
I have also understood the "one-to-one" concept of inverses
to have one-to-one functions the function and it inverse whould pass the vertical line test
you would know how the inverse would pass the vertical line test by doing a horizontal line test on the parent function
I have also learned how to solve logarithms, well some of them
I know that to solve the logarithms you have to find the unknown by leaving it by itself
you have to take the log with the base equal to what you are trying to get so you can get 1
for example: 5^-x=25
to solve for x you have to first take the log base of 5 to both sides of the equations to leave -x by itself and then you get -x=log base of 5(5)^2 which will leave you with x=-2
Another concept I understand is the easist thing, in my opinion, about inverse
That for evry time you put an inverse into the equation to its parent function you will ALWAYS get x, algebraically it means f(f^-1(x))=x as well as f^-1(f(x))=x
This is almost everything that I understand about Logarithms and Inverse, good thing we were only asked to write about 4 things.
Things That I did NOT understand
Well I did not understand MANY things
Just as many of you, I do not really understand how to graph logarithms without a graphing calculator, i think that it is hard
I also did not understand the homework C2, I did not know how to solve 80% of the problems.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Even and Odd Functions

Ok sooo I did not really understand Even and Odd Functions before but after reading my fellow peers' Blogs about Even and Odd Functions, I had a better understanding of these functions.

So lets start, Even functions have to be symetrical about the y-axis.
Mathematically the function has to be f(-x)=f(x)
So for every input(x) that is negative has the same output as the one that is positive input(x)
That means that (-x,y)=(x,y)
Lets see, so if you were to make a horizontal line across the y value there should be point symetrically for the x value(- and +)
Most even exponents would give a Even Function(eg. a parabola=x^2)
Odd Functions are a bit different than Even Function
Odd functions have to be symetrical about the origin(across diagonally)
Mathematically the function has to be f(-x)= -f(x)
For me it is harder to explain Odd Functions but I will try
It would be easier to understand if you were to plot points so an example, if you have point of the function is (1,1) the symetrical point for the function should be (-1,-1)